How to recover files deleted by Eset NOD32 antivirus. How to recover files deleted by an antivirus Antivirus has deleted files from a computer how to recover

Hello friends, in this article we will discuss with you how to recover deleted files from flash drive or how to recover files after formatting flash drive. I often have to deal with such a problem and I want to tell you how to solve it. The article is long and detailed, since I sincerely want to help users recover deleted files.
It is important to know that files on a flash drive may be inaccessible for two reasons:
1) Infection of the contents of the flash drive with a virus. In this case, your files on the flash drive are intact, but they have been modified by a virus program, and besides, the virus has assigned them the "Hidden" attribute. In this case, we check the flash drive with an antivirus and remove the malicious program, then remove the "Hidden" attribute from the files. We do everything quickly and accurately (details later in the article).

2) The second reason. In fact, your files were deleted from the flash drive for some reason. Usually, users themselves delete files on a flash drive, for example, they format a flash drive, but then they remember that the necessary information was on it. In this case, you need to resort to a free or paid program to recover deleted files, in this article we will recover files deleted on a flash drive using several very good similar programs. Now everything is in detail, but at the beginning of the article there is a letter from our reader Sergey.

How to recover deleted files from flash drive, which disappeared in a rather strange way. My story is this: I inserted a flash drive into a friend’s laptop, copied the necessary information, then came home, connected the flash drive to my computer and was very surprised, my antivirus got alarmed and immediately removed ten viruses from the flash drive. Then I went to the flash drive and did not find a single file there. I read on the Internet that it is necessary to recover deleted files carefully, with some special program, and in no case on a damaged flash drive. And I also read that it is quite possible that the files were not deleted, but simply because of an error or a virus infection they were assigned the "Hidden" attribute, this attribute must be removed by running some kind of "batch file". Tell the admin, how should I proceed and where to start? I myself tried to use two programs to recover deleted information on flash drives, but unfortunately I did not find anything but garbage on the flash drive.

How to recover deleted files from flash drive

This information is useful to all people who, even if not often, deal with a computer and flash drives.

How to recover deleted files from a flash drive with free DMDE program

How to recover deleted files from a flash drive for free with R.saver

How to recover deleted files from a flash drive with the free Recuva program

How to recover deleted files from a flash drive with a program Ontrack EasyRecovery Professional

If you have lost all the files from the flash drive, then it is quite possible that the flash drive is infected with a virus, the first thing to do is to check it with an antivirus, even if your flash drive is cleaned of viruses, the files will not appear immediately, first you need to enable the display of protected system files in the operating system settings. files and hidden files and folders.

We enter the "Computer" window, then select "View" - "Options" "Change folder and search options",

Uncheck the box "Hide protected system files" and vice versa, check the box "Show hidden files and folders", then click "Apply" and "OK".

Now we go to our flash drive and see that all files and folders are in place, but they have a translucent appearance, which means that the virus has assigned them the "Hidden" attribute and it needs to be removed, this can be done using a hacker method.

We will do the simplest programming, create a batch file, then copy it to the root of the flash drive and run it there. Many people think that it is very difficult, but it is not. "Batch file" is a bat file - the simplest type of executable file containing a sequence of commands, now you will see everything for yourself.
Open notepad

And we copy such information into it attrib -s -h -r -a /s /d then save the file with the .bat extension.

We have such a file. And now we copy it to the root of our flash drive and double-click the left mouse button to launch it. After a few seconds, we again go into our flash drive and see - all our files are in place and without the unnecessary attribute "Hidden"

Another thing is, if after all the above manipulations your files were not found on the flash drive, then the files were really deleted and they need to be restored. How to do it?

What to do if the files from the flash drive were really deleted?

Note: please do not restore deleted files to the same flash drive where they were located, the deleted files will be overwritten and if the recovery result does not suit you, then the second recovery of deleted files on the flash drive will be much worse than the first one. Restore files to a free partition on your hard drive or USB portable hard drive.

Friends, there are a great many programs for recovering deleted files from a flash drive, but only a few of them can actually help you, here are some of them.
For example, I will delete all files on my flash drive and then format it. That's it, no files.

The flash drive contained media files, photos, text files, program installers and an ISO image with the operating system. After that, I will try to recover deleted files with programs: DMDE, R.saver, Recuva, Ontrack EasyRecovery Professional, R-Studio.

How to recover deleted files from a flash drive using DMDE

The very first program that we will use to recover deleted files from a flash drive is DMDE.
A rather serious and reliable program from a domestic developer called DMDE is able to recover deleted information from various drives, including flash drives. In addition, the program can!
Go to the official DMDE website

And download the program in the archive and unzip it. DMDE works without installation. Let's launch it. In the initial window Select device / disk (physical devices), select our Corsair flash drive and click OK.

There is a quick search for deleted files on a flash drive, often with the help of it it is possible to find files on a flash drive and restore them. We select the space of our flash drive with the left mouse and click on the Open volume button.

In this window, click (All found + reconstruction).

We agree to a virtual reconstruction of the file system.

The files found by the program are displayed in the right part of the program window. If nothing is displayed, expand the $Root folder located on the left side of the window. If you find the file you want to recover, right-click on it and select Restore Item from the menu. Then select in the Explorer window exactly where you want to save the file to be restored, for example, on your desktop. That's it, your file has been restored. Unfortunately, the free version of the program will not allow you to restore an entire folder of files, you will get this error. So that life does not seem like honey, you will have to restore files one at a time or buy a program. But we can recover one at a time, as long as the program finds the deleted files.
In our case, a quick search did not bring any results, so we use a detailed search. Click on the "Disk Partitions" button

Select our flash drive with the left mouse and click the "Search NTFS" button.


A detailed search will start, which may take a little longer than a quick search, but the result will naturally be much better. The search reached 100 percent and lasted 20 minutes on a 16 GB flash drive. We look at the "Compliance" column, it is used to evaluate the quality of file recovery on the found volume. Double-click on the first section with the left mouse.

Save the search log just in case.

Click again (All files + reconstruction).

Virtual reconstruction of the file system. OK.

Friends, DMDE found all the deleted files on the flash drive. As you can see, all found folders are marked with different icons: red dots, crosses, and so on. What does it all mean?

For example, a red dot on a yellow folder tells us that the folder contains deleted files that can be recovered. A more complete description is given on this diagram or the developer's website

But finding deleted files is not enough, the program still needs to restore them, so much so that they are in working order. Let's try to restore them, as I have already noticed, it will not be possible to restore the entire folder at once, we will get such an error,

So we go to the desired folder and restore all the files one by one. Right-click on the desired file and select "Restore Object".

We choose exactly where we want to restore files, for example, directly to the desktop.

Result 90 percent of the files on the flash drive have been restored, and almost all of them are in working order. I am satisfied. But one thing is inconvenient, in the free version you cannot restore files in groups. How to recover deleted files from a flash drive with R.saver

Also a good free program from a serious developer of such programs, UFS Explorer, is able to recover deleted files from various media and flash drives, including. We go to the official website of the R.saver program and download the program in the archive.

R.saver, like the DMDE program discussed earlier, works without installation, unzip the archive and run the program.
All drives are quickly scanned. We see that the program found one partition on our Corsair flash drive (volume 14.93 GB), right-click on it and select "Search for lost data" or "Restore after formatting".

We answer "Yes", because we want to perform a full scan of our flash drive for the presence of deleted files.

The file system is being reconstructed.

Then the file system is reconstructed by signatures using the IntelliRAW algorithm.

If you chose "Restore after formatting", then such a window will appear in which you must select a partition by volume suitable for your flash drive, usually this is the very first partition.

And here is the result, in the left window of the program you can see all the folders found by the program, and in the right window their contents. I can say that the program worked as well as DMDE. Found almost all the information of interest.

Unlike DMDE, R.saver saves files much more conveniently, select the desired folder, right-click on it and select "Copy to ..."

Explorer opens, choose where to copy, for example, directly to the desktop, click Select.

The recovered files are copied to the desktop.

All files that have been recovered are in working order. Draw your own conclusions friends. How to recover deleted files from flash drive with Recuva Not our program, the bourgeoisie came up with, but they translated it into Russian. Recuva is a fairly simple program with a minimum number of settings, a novice user can easily handle it. Go to the program website
Download, install.

If you want to recover multiple files, select "All Files".

We mark the item "In the specified location" and click Browse, select our flash drive.

Put a tick on the item "Enable in-depth analysis" and the program will work much better. Begin.

The scan lasted 20 minutes,

The result is that the Recuva program found almost all deleted photos and media files: video, audio, everything was perfectly restored. But with the restoration of other files, the trouble is, the program found the necessary text files, but during the restoration they turned out to be non-working, but it did not manage to find the program installers at all. Conclusion, if you need to find deleted media files and photos on your flash drive, the program will surely cope.
In the main window of the program there is a button "Switch to advanced mode", in it you can view the contents of the file using the "View" tab,

There are also "Summary" and "Title" tabs. If you want to recover found deleted files, mark them with a checkmark, then right-click and select "Recover checked"

How to recover deleted files from a flash drive using Ontrack EasyRecovery Professional

The undisputed leader in recovering deleted files on various media, the foreign program Ontrack EasyRecovery Professional is paid, however, let's look at it in our article.

Despite the fact that Ontrack EasyRecovery Professional is paid, you do not need to buy it right away, the program will search for deleted files on your flash drive in test mode and show that it can recover, if the result suits you, then act at your own discretion.

Official website of the program

Download and install and run the program in DEMO mode.


In this window, select "Memory cards (flash)".

If you want to recover deleted files on a flash drive, select the letter of your flash drive.

You can select "Recover deleted files" and a quick scan will take place, if it does not help you, then select "Recover from formatted media" and Continue.

Continue again.

The scan took 20 minutes.

The result did not surprise me. In the left window of the program, all folders found by the program are displayed, and in the right window, their contents. Found files (if these are images) can be viewed using a special viewer, select the desired file and click "Preview".

Then we choose exactly where we want to restore the found files.

A separate article has been written about this, follow the link and read. If the information from my articles is useful to someone, I will be very happy.

Hello friends, in this article we will discuss with you how to recover deleted files from flash drive or how to recover files after formatting flash drive. I often have to deal with such a problem and I want to tell you how to solve it. The article is long and detailed, since I sincerely want to help users recover deleted files.
It is important to know that files on a flash drive may be inaccessible for two reasons:
1) Infection of the contents of the flash drive with a virus. In this case, your files on the flash drive are intact, but they have been modified by a virus program, and besides, the virus has assigned them the "Hidden" attribute. In this case, we check the flash drive with an antivirus and remove the malicious program, then remove the "Hidden" attribute from the files. We do everything quickly and accurately (details later in the article).

2) The second reason. In fact, your files were deleted from the flash drive for some reason. Usually, users themselves delete files on a flash drive, for example, they format a flash drive, but then they remember that the necessary information was on it. In this case, you need to resort to a free or paid program to recover deleted files, in this article we will recover files deleted on a flash drive using several very good similar programs. Now everything is in detail, but at the beginning of the article there is a letter from our reader Sergey.

How to recover deleted files from flash drive, which disappeared in a rather strange way. My story is this: I inserted a flash drive into a friend’s laptop, copied the necessary information, then came home, connected the flash drive to my computer and was very surprised, my antivirus got alarmed and immediately removed ten viruses from the flash drive. Then I went to the flash drive and did not find a single file there. I read on the Internet that it is necessary to recover deleted files carefully, with some special program, and in no case on a damaged flash drive. And I also read that it is quite possible that the files were not deleted, but simply because of an error or a virus infection they were assigned the "Hidden" attribute, this attribute must be removed by running some kind of "batch file". Tell the admin, how should I proceed and where to start? I myself tried to use two programs to recover deleted information on flash drives, but unfortunately I did not find anything but garbage on the flash drive.

How to recover deleted files from flash drive

This information is useful to all people who, even if not often, deal with a computer and flash drives.

How to recover deleted files from a flash drive with free DMDE program

How to recover deleted files from a flash drive for free with R.saver

How to recover deleted files from a flash drive with the free Recuva program

How to recover deleted files from a flash drive with a program Ontrack EasyRecovery Professional

If you have lost all the files from the flash drive, then it is quite possible that the flash drive is infected with a virus, the first thing to do is to check it with an antivirus, even if your flash drive is cleaned of viruses, the files will not appear immediately, first you need to enable the display of protected system files in the operating system settings. files and hidden files and folders.

We enter the "Computer" window, then select "View" - "Options" "Change folder and search options",

Uncheck the box "Hide protected system files" and vice versa, check the box "Show hidden files and folders", then click "Apply" and "OK".

Now we go to our flash drive and see that all files and folders are in place, but they have a translucent appearance, which means that the virus has assigned them the "Hidden" attribute and it needs to be removed, this can be done using a hacker method.

We will do the simplest programming, create a batch file, then copy it to the root of the flash drive and run it there. Many people think that it is very difficult, but it is not. "Batch file" is a bat file - the simplest type of executable file containing a sequence of commands, now you will see everything for yourself.
Open notepad

And we copy such information into it attrib -s -h -r -a /s /d then save the file with the .bat extension.

We have such a file. And now we copy it to the root of our flash drive and double-click the left mouse button to launch it. After a few seconds, we again go into our flash drive and see - all our files are in place and without the unnecessary attribute "Hidden"

Another thing is, if after all the above manipulations your files were not found on the flash drive, then the files were really deleted and they need to be restored. How to do it?

What to do if the files from the flash drive were really deleted?

Note: please do not restore deleted files to the same flash drive where they were located, the deleted files will be overwritten and if the recovery result does not suit you, then the second recovery of deleted files on the flash drive will be much worse than the first one. Restore files to a free partition on your hard drive or USB portable hard drive.

Friends, there are a great many programs for recovering deleted files from a flash drive, but only a few of them can actually help you, here are some of them.
For example, I will delete all files on my flash drive and then format it. That's it, no files.

The flash drive contained media files, photos, text files, program installers and an ISO image with the operating system. After that, I will try to recover deleted files with programs: DMDE, R.saver, Recuva, Ontrack EasyRecovery Professional, R-Studio.

How to recover deleted files from a flash drive using DMDE

The very first program that we will use to recover deleted files from a flash drive is DMDE.
A rather serious and reliable program from a domestic developer called DMDE is able to recover deleted information from various drives, including flash drives. In addition, the program can!
Go to the official DMDE website

And download the program in the archive and unzip it. DMDE works without installation. Let's launch it. In the initial window Select device / disk (physical devices), select our Corsair flash drive and click OK.

There is a quick search for deleted files on a flash drive, often with the help of it it is possible to find files on a flash drive and restore them. We select the space of our flash drive with the left mouse and click on the Open volume button.

In this window, click (All found + reconstruction).

We agree to a virtual reconstruction of the file system.

The files found by the program are displayed in the right part of the program window. If nothing is displayed, expand the $Root folder located on the left side of the window. If you find the file you want to recover, right-click on it and select Restore Item from the menu. Then select in the Explorer window exactly where you want to save the file to be restored, for example, on your desktop. That's it, your file has been restored. Unfortunately, the free version of the program will not allow you to restore an entire folder of files, you will get this error. So that life does not seem like honey, you will have to restore files one at a time or buy a program. But we can recover one at a time, as long as the program finds the deleted files.
In our case, a quick search did not bring any results, so we use a detailed search. Click on the "Disk Partitions" button

Select our flash drive with the left mouse and click the "Search NTFS" button.


A detailed search will start, which may take a little longer than a quick search, but the result will naturally be much better. The search reached 100 percent and lasted 20 minutes on a 16 GB flash drive. We look at the "Compliance" column, it is used to evaluate the quality of file recovery on the found volume. Double-click on the first section with the left mouse.

Save the search log just in case.

Click again (All files + reconstruction).

Virtual reconstruction of the file system. OK.

Friends, DMDE found all the deleted files on the flash drive. As you can see, all found folders are marked with different icons: red dots, crosses, and so on. What does it all mean?

For example, a red dot on a yellow folder tells us that the folder contains deleted files that can be recovered. A more complete description is given on this diagram or the developer's website

But finding deleted files is not enough, the program still needs to restore them, so much so that they are in working order. Let's try to restore them, as I have already noticed, it will not be possible to restore the entire folder at once, we will get such an error,

So we go to the desired folder and restore all the files one by one. Right-click on the desired file and select "Restore Object".

We choose exactly where we want to restore files, for example, directly to the desktop.

Result 90 percent of the files on the flash drive have been restored, and almost all of them are in working order. I am satisfied. But one thing is inconvenient, in the free version you cannot restore files in groups. How to recover deleted files from a flash drive with R.saver

Also a good free program from a serious developer of such programs, UFS Explorer, is able to recover deleted files from various media and flash drives, including. We go to the official website of the R.saver program and download the program in the archive.

R.saver, like the DMDE program discussed earlier, works without installation, unzip the archive and run the program.
All drives are quickly scanned. We see that the program found one partition on our Corsair flash drive (volume 14.93 GB), right-click on it and select "Search for lost data" or "Restore after formatting".

We answer "Yes", because we want to perform a full scan of our flash drive for the presence of deleted files.

The file system is being reconstructed.

Then the file system is reconstructed by signatures using the IntelliRAW algorithm.

If you chose "Restore after formatting", then such a window will appear in which you must select a partition by volume suitable for your flash drive, usually this is the very first partition.

And here is the result, in the left window of the program you can see all the folders found by the program, and in the right window their contents. I can say that the program worked as well as DMDE. Found almost all the information of interest.

Unlike DMDE, R.saver saves files much more conveniently, select the desired folder, right-click on it and select "Copy to ..."

Explorer opens, choose where to copy, for example, directly to the desktop, click Select.

The recovered files are copied to the desktop.

All files that have been recovered are in working order. Draw your own conclusions friends. How to recover deleted files from flash drive with Recuva Not our program, the bourgeoisie came up with, but they translated it into Russian. Recuva is a fairly simple program with a minimum number of settings, a novice user can easily handle it. Go to the program website
Download, install.

If you want to recover multiple files, select "All Files".

We mark the item "In the specified location" and click Browse, select our flash drive.

Put a tick on the item "Enable in-depth analysis" and the program will work much better. Begin.

The scan lasted 20 minutes,

The result is that the Recuva program found almost all deleted photos and media files: video, audio, everything was perfectly restored. But with the restoration of other files, the trouble is, the program found the necessary text files, but during the restoration they turned out to be non-working, but it did not manage to find the program installers at all. Conclusion, if you need to find deleted media files and photos on your flash drive, the program will surely cope.
In the main window of the program there is a button "Switch to advanced mode", in it you can view the contents of the file using the "View" tab,

There are also "Summary" and "Title" tabs. If you want to recover found deleted files, mark them with a checkmark, then right-click and select "Recover checked"

How to recover deleted files from a flash drive using Ontrack EasyRecovery Professional

The undisputed leader in recovering deleted files on various media, the foreign program Ontrack EasyRecovery Professional is paid, however, let's look at it in our article.

Despite the fact that Ontrack EasyRecovery Professional is paid, you do not need to buy it right away, the program will search for deleted files on your flash drive in test mode and show that it can recover, if the result suits you, then act at your own discretion.

Official website of the program

Download and install and run the program in DEMO mode.


In this window, select "Memory cards (flash)".

If you want to recover deleted files on a flash drive, select the letter of your flash drive.

You can select "Recover deleted files" and a quick scan will take place, if it does not help you, then select "Recover from formatted media" and Continue.

Continue again.

The scan took 20 minutes.

The result did not surprise me. In the left window of the program, all folders found by the program are displayed, and in the right window, their contents. Found files (if these are images) can be viewed using a special viewer, select the desired file and click "Preview".

Then we choose exactly where we want to restore the found files.

A separate article has been written about this, follow the link and read. If the information from my articles is useful to someone, I will be very happy.

If Avast antivirus detects an infected or suspicious file, then, depending on the settings, the file will be automatically deleted or moved to the antivirus quarantine - a blocked storage from which the file cannot be launched and will not harm the computer:

If you need to restore a file from Avast Quarantine, do the following:

In antivirus versions 5 - 8, in the main window of the antivirus, in the " Service", select " Quarantine". On the right side of the window, a list of files isolated in Avast quarantine will appear. To restore a file, right-click on it and select " Restore":

In version 9, to view the list of quarantined files, on the " Scanning", click on the link " Quarantine" at the bottom of the window:

In versions 10-17, in the main Avast window, on the " Protection", select " Antivirus"and press the button" Quarantine":

To restore a quarantined file from Avast versions 9-17, in the Quarantine window, right-click on the file and select " Restore" or " Restore and add to exclusions":

IMPORTANT! Restore from quarantine only those files that are obtained from reliable sources and that you are sure are safe.

How to add a file or program to Avast antivirus exclusions

If you are confident in the safety of certain files, programs or games, but are identified by Avast antivirus as unsafe, then you need to add them to the antivirus exclusions. Files added to exclusions are not checked or blocked by antivirus during their launch and scheduled computer scans.

In Avast versions 5-8, to add a folder to exclusions, open settings antivirus and go to the tab " Exceptions". Click " Add" And " Review":

Mark the folder you want to exclude from antivirus scanning and click "OK":

The specified folder is added to the list. Click "OK" to close the settings window:

In Avast versions 9 - 17, exceptions are found in the antivirus settings on the Antivirus tab (version 9) or the General tab (starting from version 10). Also, folders can be added to the "DeepScreen" and "Powerful Mode" exclusions:

Confirm adding the file to the exclusion list:

The added files and folders will appear in the list:

If, after checking the hard drive or flash drive with antivirus software, you find that the necessary information has disappeared, then do not rush to remove the security software. Hidden files can be recovered without resorting to utilities like Recuva or TestDisk.

Recovery from quarantine

The anti-virus program did not delete the data, but only hid it by placing it in a special storage - quarantine. You can restore hidden files using the interface of the antivirus utility. For example, if you checked the system with the Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool, then do the following:

The deleted file will be returned to the folder from which it disappeared after the system scan. Make sure that there is no virus inside the data you recovered. The antivirus program can also make mistakes, but it is better to check the files with several utilities. If the files disappeared after cleaning the computer with ESET Smart Security antivirus, then you can restore them like this:

In the list you will see all hidden files that were marked as suspicious by the program. Perhaps there is no virus among them, but you should only return the file that you are sure is safe. Right click on it and select Restore.

The file deleted after the antivirus was running will be returned to the folder in which it was before the virus was searched for on the computer. If this folder does not exist, then a Windows Explorer window will appear, through which you must specify a new location for storing data.

Other antiviruses offer a similar procedure for recovering mistakenly deleted data. The only difference is the location of the quarantine: sometimes it is impossible to get to isolated information through the program's graphical interface. If you encounter such a problem, try looking for a folder with a name like "Quarantine" in the antivirus directory.

To see hidden folders created by antivirus:

If there is no quarantine antivirus in this folder, go to AppData again, but go not to Roaming, but to Local. There will also be an antivirus directory. Inside it should be a Quarantine folder, which contains hidden data.

Adding to exclusions

Restoring data is not enough - you still need to add them to the exclusions. Otherwise, the anti-virus software will send the file back to isolation after returning data from quarantine. Consider the algorithm for adding to exclusions using the example of ESET Smart Security:

After saving the changes, the restored files will not be pursued and deleted by the antivirus program. The order of adding to exclusions is not the same for different antiviruses, so you will have to look for this feature in the settings yourself.

Read about where and how to look for files that have been deleted by a virus or blocked by an antivirus program. Did checking your computer for viruses put you in a difficult situation? An anti-virus program has deleted infected files from your computer or laptop and you need to return important documents?

2014-02-20 Michael Miroshnichenko

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