The best programs to automatically update Windows drivers. Installing and updating drivers Why the card driver is not updated

Drivers are the most important specialized programs, on which the stable and full functioning of the hardware installed in the computer, as well as the operation of the operating system and all programs installed in it, especially gaming and specialized ones, directly depends. Thanks to the drivers, the operating system has the ability to correctly recognize certain devices and interact with them, which is called “in full”, making maximum use of the available hardware resources, be it a processor, video card or other device. Also, drivers (with the help of special utilities supplied with them) can provide users with access to very important additional hardware settings.

Unlike most modern software, which updates itself automatically or promptly notifies the user about the release of an updated version (via integrated messaging services), most drivers do not have an automatic update function. Each user must independently monitor the relevance of hardware drivers installed on their computer and update them promptly. There are two ways to do this correctly and correctly, which we will discuss below.

1. Update via "Device Manager"

Updating using this method is only possible in manual mode. Opening start menu. On the right side, select the option"Control Panel".

In the window that opens (in the upper right corner) we find "View" option, click on it and select the option "Small Icons". Next, among the list of elements displayed in the main window, look for "Device Manager"(tentatively located in the second row) and click on it.

In the manager window that opens, you will be presented with a list of all devices installed on your computer. Hardware for which drivers are not installed (or the installed drivers do not work correctly and the device conflicts with the system) will be marked yellow triangle with exclamation mark! You need to pay attention to them first!

To quickly update driver, right-click on the desired device and select the option "Update drivers".

In the dialog box that appears, you will be offered two search and installation options: automatic (Windows itself will try to find the required driver in Microsoft’s internal or online databases) and manual "Search for drivers on this computer". By selecting the second function, you can independently indicate to the installation wizard the folder on your hard drive where the drivers you have for the selected device are located.

The manual update and installation option is very often used in situations where the driver does not want to be installed or, in principle, cannot be installed automatically through the installer!

Also, here you can use additional option and select the required driver from the list of drivers already installed on the system, suitable for this device, or drivers compatible with it. Drivers previously installed by the user may also be located here.

In addition to this, here you can install drivers from boot disk using another additional option "Install from disk"(some computer devices require this installation option).

To complete the installation, click the button "Further" and wait for the wizard to complete. After successfully installing the driver, do not forget to restart your computer.

2. Automatic update through special utilities

Programs for searching and installing drivers Indeed, in many cases they can really help the user quickly and efficiently solve a problem of this kind. To date, quite a lot of such applications have already been created. The most popular of them: DriverMax, Driver Pack Solution and Driver Boost. We invite our users to take advantage of the latest product. However, if you are not satisfied with it in some way, you can always choose any other software by looking at this set of programs on our portal.

Or just once a month, you need to update the drivers, as new versions are released from time to time. When reinstalling Windows, most often the drivers are installed immediately, but naturally they are not so new. To update drivers There are at least two options - manual and automatic.

First option update drivers on your computer– find and download the latest versions yourself from the official websites of manufacturers. Then install them. This option is quite long and complicated. For example, to You will need to find out its manufacturer, name and series. To do this, you need to open Device Manager and look for details about your equipment there. And only then enter the corresponding query into the search engine.

This option works quite well, but it takes a long time. We find the official website, look for the Drivers section and select the appropriate driver for our equipment. Well, or, as a last resort, we can find driver on the Internet. Another option is to find and update the driver by hardware ID. We find out the ID of our, for example, video card, all in the same Device Manager, and using this ID we find the driver we need. I described in more detail how to update drivers using this method in the lesson: . But this is still too long; this manual mode is more suitable when you need to update only one or two drivers, for example, downloading updates for a video card or processor once every couple of months.

I suggest another option - use a special program for updating drivers. Such a program automatically scans the equipment, then goes to the official websites of the manufacturers and checks if there are updates for your drivers. If there are updates, then all we have to do is confirm the intention to download. You don't have to download anything yourself.

Driver update program– a great option to save yourself time and effort. It remains to decide which one to use, to study in more detail what programs exist for updating drivers, you can use any search engine and enter the appropriate phrase. I use one of the most popular ones called Driver Genius. I’ll tell you about her. You need to download and install it.

Immediately after launching, the program prompts us to update its database. This is a must do.

We are waiting for the updates to download.

When the updates are downloaded, the program will automatically open and we will see its main window. In the middle there is a big green button “Start checking”, click on it to check if it is required driver update on our computer.

The device will begin scanning and searching for the necessary drivers.

In a few seconds we will see a list of drivers that are out of date and require updating. Check all the boxes and click the “Next” button.

Now we need to download all these drivers, fortunately the driver update program will do this itself, so we won’t need to climb websites and click on links. Click the “Download all” button and wait until all drivers are downloaded.

After everything has been downloaded, you can begin installing the drivers. To do this, right-click on the driver name and select “Install” from the list that appears.

And we install the driver as a regular program, then proceed to the second and so on until everything is ready. Then we restart the computer.

The described program has one drawback - it is paid. If this bothers you, then I have a backup option for you. I recently learned about another driver update program called Driver Booster. It is free and works no worse than its paid counterparts: it automatically detects outdated drivers, installs them in one click, is fast and safe. In general, let's look at how you can update drivers in Driver Booster.

First, download the latest version of the program from the official website: clicking on the big green button “ Download for free».

After downloading, let's start installing it. In the first window, immediately select the item “ Custom installation» and remove the extra checkboxes.

Driver Booster is installed. We launch it and click on the large, round “Start” button.

The program will check everything and if there are updates, it will offer to download and install them.

These methods, using driver update programs, I adopted it three years ago. This method is the simplest; the search and download of drivers occurs automatically, and this is the main thing. Simplicity and convenience! Usually, users, even experienced ones, have a lot of problems when searching for drivers manually on the Internet.

So driver update programs help us out a lot. And I’ll end here, I hope that now you won’t have any problems with driver updates.

Good luck and the latest driver versions to you!

Installing fresh drivers is one of the effective ways to increase the stability of the operating system. There are two main ways to install new drivers: downloading from the manufacturer's resource and using an update service.

Automatic platform updates allow you to quickly check for the latest software versions, download and install the necessary drivers using the Update Center.

The user can also forcefully check whether there are more recent drivers for a particular device. To do this you need to follow these steps:

Automatic driver updates in Windows 7

Click "Start" and click on the "Devices and Printers" tab.

In the window that opens, the default is always “Never install drivers from Windows Update.” Check the "Yes, do this automatically (recommended)" checkbox.

Semi-automatic Windows 7 driver update

1. Open Device Manager. This can be done using the context menu of the Computer icon (on the desktop, right-click) - select Properties.

The “Device Manager” window will open; first you need to click the “update hardware configuration” button.

2. Then, in turn, open the tabs of each equipment, for example, “Video adapters”, right-click on the device that opens and select Update drivers.

3. The next window prompts you to select a search mode. It is better to use automatic search mode. If there are no new drivers, a message will be displayed that the latest drivers have already been installed for the device.

If the system detects an updated driver, it will download and install automatically.

If the automatic search does not produce results, you can try downloading the necessary files from the manufacturer’s official website. The address is usually indicated in the documentation for the device. Or you can download drivers one by one by going to the official websites of component manufacturers.

Before downloading a file, it is recommended to check whether it has a digital signature; usually 50% of drivers do not have one, but this will not prevent them from working correctly with your equipment. When installing such a driver, it will simply be tedious to click that you agree to install a driver that does not have a digital signature.

A driver, which consists of a single application, usually includes an installation utility that you need to run and follow the instructions. After the installation is complete, if you wish, you can go to Device Manager and make sure that the driver has a new version.

If the downloaded driver does not have an installation program, installation is carried out as follows:

1. If the files are in an archive, they must be unzipped before installation.

2. Launch Device Manager (as described in the semi-automatic installation).

3. Select the desired device, call the context menu and select the Update drivers command.

4. In the next dialog box, you must use the link Search for drivers on this computer.

5. The next window will prompt you to specify the directory with the necessary drivers; indicate the folder where you unzipped the driver.

Good day!

Drivers are like gears in a mechanism; if you don’t have them on your computer (or they are not “native”), the system does not work in normal mode: sometimes something freezes, sometimes it won’t start, various slowdowns and errors.

Video and audio drivers are especially difficult (in the first case there are problems with games, in the second there is no sound). I think this is why there has always been interest in programs that allow you to update drivers without direct user participation (to press one button and that’s it...).

Actually, in this article I decided to collect a dozen similar programs that will help save time and nerves in case of problems with drivers.

By the way, the list of programs below is current at the beginning of 2018; it represents, in a way, the top 10 best products with their pros/cons.

And so, closer to the point...

Driver Booster

It is rightfully considered one of the best programs for auto-searching and updating drivers. Judge for yourself: to start updating, you only need to press one button! After which, the program will scan your PC and show the current driver version for each of your hardware (it will recommend what to update and what can be left - you just have to agree and update everything. Very fast and convenient ☺).

In addition to drivers, the program also updates important components in Windows related to games (so if you have problems with them, it may be worth checking your system using Driver Booster).

Note: Driver Booster requires an Internet connection to operate.

Driver Booster - 18 outdated drivers found // example of how the program works


  1. a simple and convenient interface that even a complete novice user can understand;
  2. a huge driver database that is constantly updated (for more than 1 million devices);
  3. the update process takes place in 2 stages: first, the program scans your PC, then asks you what exactly it will update (you can simply agree with the recommended settings, or you can configure everything yourself);
  4. before updating - the program archives your old drivers (so you can roll back if something happens...);
  5. There is a batch driver update (i.e. for several devices at once).

DriverPack Solution

DriverPack Solution (or DPS) is fundamentally different from Driver Booster - it can work even without an Internet connection. DPS simply has 2 versions of the program:

  • the first is a 15 GB ISO image. If you download it in advance, you will subsequently be able to run DPS and install drivers on any PC that does not have the Internet (for example, sometimes it happens that the computer is connected to the network - but the network card does not work due to the lack of a driver (which needs to be downloaded ☺). In this case, such an image helps a lot!);
  • the second is a regular program similar to Driver Booster. You also launch it, then DPS scans the PC, and then downloads all the necessary drivers from the Internet.


  1. there are two versions of the program: one for online updating, and the second for offline work (an ISO image with a large collection of drivers can be a big help in case of network problems);
  2. large database of drivers (usually available for all equipment);
  3. in addition to drivers, DPS offers to install other necessary and useful programs (convenient);
  4. Batch driver update;
  5. the ability to create backup drivers;
  6. it is possible to conduct an anti-virus scan of your PC, check RAM, etc.;
  7. of the minuses: the latest versions have a lot of built-in advertising, check all the boxes carefully!



A completely free utility for auto-searching, installing, and updating drivers. I should immediately note that for the utility to work, you need access to the Internet!

Usage is very simple: just launch and click just 1 button “Find Now” (as shown in the screenshot below).

In a minute or two, a driver will be found for each piece of hardware on your PC/laptop (see example below). You just have to check the boxes for everything you want to update and click the “Install” button. Actually, this is the whole process. Very convenient!

List of found drivers (DriverHub) / clickable


  1. a large database of drivers for a wide variety of equipment: audio and video cards, USB devices (scanners, printers, etc.), mat. boards, etc.;
  2. When updating, the utility uses drivers from official sites: Intel, AMD, Microsoft, Sony, etc.
  3. completely free: download speed, number of updated drivers, etc. are not limited in any way!
  4. it is possible to roll back the system to a previous state (if you are not satisfied with how the new driver works);
  5. the program is entirely in Russian;
  6. the menu contains links for quickly setting up the OS: power supply, disk manager, computer management, network management, etc.
  7. runs on Windows 7/8/10 (32/64 bits).

note: check all the boxes during installation (sometimes an Avast download prompt pops up)! In addition, the program does not behave very well on laptops with low resolution (the window does not “scale”).

Snappy Driver Installer

Note : Can work without access to the Internet.

Snappy Driver Installer is a free auto-installer for drivers (very similar to DriverPack Solution, a direct competitor to it, although the package is not so promoted). What sets it apart from the previous program (DPS) is that the offline version is distributed not as an ISO image (which requires additional programs to open), but as a simple folder with an EXE file - launch it, and the drivers are updated. Very comfortably!

By the way, Snappy Driver Installer also has a compact version, the size of which is only a few megabytes. But it requires an Internet connection to work.


  1. a huge collection of drivers for all occasions (I recommend recording it on an emergency flash drive so that it is always at hand);
  2. two versions of the package: full 14 GB (no need to connect to the Internet), and compact - the program weighs 4 MB (but requires unlimited network access);
  3. minimum advertising and unnecessary programs;
  4. quick update;
  5. customizable shell to suit the user's taste;
  6. completely in Russian.

Utilities from Intel, AMD, NVIDIA

Intel Driver Update

An official utility from Intel that will help you update drivers for any product from this company: processor, network devices, disks, and more. Compatible with all versions of Windows, completely in Russian.

After launching the utility, it will automatically recognize the equipment and find all the necessary software for its proper operation. Driver installation is completely automatic.

In general, if you use Intel products, naturally, I recommend using the native utility ☺. For the rest, it's unlikely to be useful...

AMD Driver Autodetect

These are tools for automatically searching for video drivers for AMD products. After launch, the utility will automatically detect your video card, system and other characteristics and provide a link to download the optimal driver.

The utility is completely in Russian and works in the Windows environment. The program, by the way, can be used not only to search for a driver, but also to update an already installed one (you must admit that it is much easier to press one button in the program than to independently climb the jungle of official sites, where there is a mountain of all sorts of semi-necessary information ☺).


Official utility for NVIDIA users. After launching the utility, it will scan all your hardware on your PC, evaluate whether there are drivers for them, and offer to update them (if necessary). By the way, in the settings profiles you can set how often updates will be checked (whether to allow the use of beta versions, whether to notify pop-up messages in the tray).

By the way, starting with R275 drivers, NVIDIA Update updates not only drivers, but also game profiles automatically (including SLI profiles). I’ll also add that the official website (link given above) describes the step-by-step setup of the program (although there’s nothing special to configure there ☺).

Driver Genius

A very popular program for working with drivers. It is quite multifunctional: it can automatically find and update to the latest driver version, create backup copies of already installed drivers, restore lost ones, and delete old and unnecessary ones. It’s quite easy to use: after launching the program, it will automatically collect information about your PC and hardware, evaluate the system and offer an update option. Supports Russian language.


  1. huge driver database, support for more than 300,000 different devices;
  2. backup of current drivers (moreover, you can put them either in an archive or create an EXE installer, so that in case of problems, you can run it and install the drivers without Driver Genius);
  3. the ability to remove old or unnecessary drivers;
  4. command line support;
  5. Russian language support;
  6. works under all popular Windows: 7/8/10 (32/64 bits);
  7. one of the minuses: the program is paid (the free version has restrictions on updating and working with backups).


A free and fairly multifunctional program for automatically searching and updating drivers (by the way, it does this quite well). In addition to its main responsibility (☺), the program does a good job of creating backup copies of “firewood” (and in case of problems, restoring them). There is also a task scheduler (for example, for regularly checking for updates), and there is a function for removing any driver from the system (completely!).


  1. fast automatic search and update;
  2. task Manager;
  3. function of completely removing old or unnecessary drivers;
  4. backup and recovery;
  5. all functions work in the free version (many similar utilities require payment for the same functionality);
  6. works in all common Windows: 7/8/10;
  7. of the minuses: an abundance of advertising during installation (look carefully at the checkboxes).


3DP Net

3DP Net is a specialized utility that is necessary to update the driver for a network adapter (network card). Imagine: you don’t have the Internet, because... The network card does not work (there is no driver for it). And for the network card to work, you need a driver that is available on the Internet.

How to solve this puzzle? That's right, download 3DP Net, the size of which is only about 100 MB (you can do it from a smartphone), and run it - the utility will automatically select the driver and you will have a network. I recommend!

Note: Please note that there are 2 utilities on the official website - 3DP Chip and 3DP Net (we are talking about the second one!).

Double Driver

Developer's website:

This small free utility is necessary to create a backup of all installed drivers. Moreover, she does this very quickly (often the required time is no more than 1 minute!).

I would like to note that the drivers in the utility are displayed in a convenient list (in order), which can be saved or printed. The drivers are also carefully stored in the backup, each in a separate folder, the names of which are identical to your devices.

In general, an extremely necessary, useful and free utility (similar programs for backups cost money) ...

Driver Sweeper

Developer's website:

A simple and reliable program for completely removing absolutely any drivers in the system! Be careful with it, because... it doesn't really limit your options. It helps a lot in cases where you can’t remove some driver stuck in the system (or you don’t see it and can’t find it, but it’s there ☺).

Before deleting it, you can create a backup copy of all the “firewood” (just in case)... The program works in all versions of Windows, Russian language is supported.


A simple and effective utility for completely removing the video driver from the system (I think many have encountered the problem of updating the video driver due to the fact that the new one was not installed until the old one was completely removed). This is exactly what DDU (Display Driver Uninstaller) can handle.

The program supports all video card software from AMD, Intel, NVIDIA (including various registry keys, components, folders, etc.). I also note that after DDU works, there are no traces of the presence of the old driver left in your system.

Display Driver Uninstaller has three operating modes: the first is to simply remove the driver and restart the PC/laptop; the second is normal deletion (reboot is on your conscience ☺); the third is removing and shutting down the PC.

By the way, the utility keeps a log in which it records all the actions you perform. For example, you can use it to see which driver versions have already been installed (convenient if you are looking for the current working version of the driver and don’t remember which ones you have already tried).

Results (what to remember!)

  1. one of the most simple ways update all drivers and game components in Windows - use the Driver Booster program;
  2. if you don't know for which device you don't have a driver, open device Manager: A yellow exclamation mark will appear next to a device for which there is no driver;
  3. It is highly advisable to write to an emergency flash drive ahead of time some driver package that can work without internet connection(for example, Snappy Driver Installer or DriverPack Solutions (if the choice fell on the second program, then additionally download a program for opening ISO images onto the flash drive));
  4. if you have failed to update driver using automatic updates in similar programs - try the manual method:

That's all for me, for additions on the topic - special thanks in advance!

A driver is a kind of program embedded in the computer’s memory that ensures interaction between the device and the computer itself, in other words, all connected devices (mouse, keyboard, speakers, etc.) are not able to fully function without the latest drivers.
And in today's episode we will talk about updating drivers through the device manager, but before we begin, I would like to explain why you should install and update it.

Why install and update Drivers?

Installing drivers is required, first of all, for the normal functioning of the new connected device. For example, if you don’t install drivers for this phone, then naturally you won’t succeed.
Updating drivers is required for stable operation of all already installed devices, such as: Video card, RAM, Mouse or Keyboard.

For example, if you do not update the drivers, then it will start to freeze a lot; in normal work you will not notice this, but if you play games, especially modern ones, you will very quickly see the difference. I hope I was able to explain to you how important it is to update them.

Updating drivers through Device Manager

Drivers are updated in many ways, but today I will talk about one of them: Update through Device Manager.

First, right-click on the shortcut of my computer and go to the properties item, in the window that opens, in the upper left corner we look for the Device Manager item.

Let's say you need to update the processor driver, but you're right, it also needs a driver for stable operation. So, we click on the arrow next to the inscription “processors” and we see that a list of cores opens in front of us, but do not be alarmed, depending on how many cores are in your processor, you will see so many inscriptions. I think I explained it clearly. Now right-click on one of the inscriptions and select “Update drivers”.

Next, we see that the system offers us two ways to update drivers. If you have not previously downloaded it to your computer, then I advise you to select the first option and the system itself will find, download and install them on your computer. And finally, I advise you to do this procedure with each core of your processor.

I would like to finish here, but first I want to add that updating device drivers will be much easier if you can reproduce all operations using it.

P.S. If you need to update the driver of a device, but you don’t know its name, then an article about the device is at your service.

If you found this article helpful, I would appreciate it if you click on one of the buttons below. This concludes my article, bye everyone.

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