I'm so tired of advertising. How to remove pop-up ads in your browser

Working with my clients’ computers lately, more and more often I began to encounter the problem of advertising appearing when launching a browser, and it didn’t matter whether it was Opera, Google Chrome, Mazila or Internet Explorer - it was the same everywhere.

Probably one of the most common cases is when, when you turn on the browser, the Webalta search engine website opens by default. Although this causes some inconvenience when working on the Internet, it is worth noting that this is far from the worst thing that could happen.

In this particular case, sometimes it is enough to change the browser’s start page or get rid of an annoying component that can be easily found in the list of installed programs, but what to do if the advertising that appears has nothing to do with Webalta?

In most of these cases, when you open the browser, a new advertising site and new advertisement opens every time, which makes search for this virus even more difficult. Sometimes this may be an advertisement for a game or a new weight loss product, but what if instead you are offered to buy some intimate toys, pornography or other products of little interest? Of course, this is unpleasant and You should get rid of such advertising as quickly as possible.

On the Internet you can find information about the popular extensions Adblock or Adguard, which help block ads in browsers, but, alas, this is far from our case and certainly not a panacea.

Do advertisements appear when you launch your browser?

First of all, you should pay attention to the browser with which you see the page with advertising. In my case it was like this - I launch a shortcut, for example Google Chrome, and Opera or Firefox opens instead. If you have exactly the same problem, I think I can help you.

The thing is that during the installation of any unverified applications, additional internet shortcuts, accessing which will constantly redirect you to incomprehensible sites. In my case it was a website http://nftds3.ru/, from which redirects (redirections) to other advertising resources subsequently occurred.

Most often, such files receive names identical to the name of a particular browser. Moreover, in addition to creating these additional files, browser extensions are replaced on your computer, accessing which, instead of launching the program, you follow the link specified in the file.

File extension (format)- this is part of the file name, which is separated from the main name by a dot.

For all browsers, the standard file extension is .exe at the end of the name. Exe in English means executable - executable file.

If, for example, you use Opera, right-click on its icon on the desktop and select “Properties” from the list that appears.

It will immediately open before you browser properties window Opera.

Here you should pay attention to the line called the object and to extension.url, which is different from the actual .exe format.

Before making any changes to this line, I advise you to look in the folder where your browser is installed and make sure that there is nothing unnecessary there. By default, most programs are installed in the Program Files folder, which is located on the C drive.

We go there and open the folder with Opera.

Scrolling almost to the very end, you can see that in this folder there are 2 files called Opera, which have different extensions.

One of these files actually launches the program, but when you access the second one, with the .url format, you constantly have advertising will open in the browser, until you delete this file and change the path in the shortcut properties.

Replace with "C:\Program Files\Opera\opera .url"
Replace with "C:\Program Files\Opera\opera .exe"

Immediately after this, you can launch your browser and make sure that there are now no ads, but I hasten to upset you a little. The thing is that when there is a problem with appearing advertisements, it appears immediately in all browsers installed on your computer, and what you have now done is to be done with each of them!

In other words, in order to completely get rid of advertising in browsers, you have to change the file extension and delete “extra shortcuts” in all folders with Internet explorers. Just in case, I bring to your attention a list of the most popular browsers, which, when turned on, may display advertisements.

List of the most popular browsers:

  1. Google Chrome
  2. Opera
  3. Mozilla Firefox
  4. Yandex browser
  5. Safari
  6. Internet Explorer
  7. [email protected]

How to remove ads in the Google Chrome browser?

And yes, by the way, I almost forgot. Installing the Google Chrome browser is somewhat different from other programs, so you are unlikely to find it in the Program Files folder.

To get rid of advertising on Google, you need to be able to work with hidden files in order to follow the path C:\Users\Username\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe. To do this you can use a free program Total Commander or show all hidden files on computer using Windows.

By right-clicking on the Google Chrome shortcut on your desktop, as we did earlier, just click on the “File Location” button, which can be found just below.

If you deliberately visited this page, then most likely you are haunted by one simple but very important question - how to remove advertising in your browser. And we are not talking about ordinary advertisements that hang on all sites. We are talking about malicious banners that appear in all or individual browsers on the computer after installing any software, or simply downloading a third-party file. Regular banner cutters, such as Adblock or Adguard, cannot eliminate them. Therefore, a special approach is required here.

Below we will discuss different situations in which advertising appears in the browser, as well as how to remove it without losing your favorite browser and without resorting to extremes such as a complete reinstallation of Windows.

To protect yourself from pop-ups and banners that appear in your browser window, try not to visit dubious Internet resources or download suspicious files online. It’s also worth getting a good antivirus!

Pop-up windows (advertising banners) – how to block?

No matter how sad it may sound, hundreds of thousands of people on the Internet constantly infect their computers with this kind of advertising. Moreover, often without even knowing it. Let's say you found some program on the Internet and decided to download it, but it installed a bunch of incomprehensible applications that added tools for viewing sites and a bunch of pop-up windows.

In fact, these are not viruses, because the user himself agrees to have advertisements embedded by installing the software. But this does not change the essence of the problem. Such advertisements and banners greatly interfere with the normal use of the browser; they cover the necessary buttons and, in general, part of the screen. In addition, as a rule, they appear even after closing, and sometimes they do not close at all.

We remove unnecessary things from the browser shortcut.

In practice, you can often find that the start page constantly crashes when you start the browser, and there is no way to remove it. Try the following:

We use programs to remove AdWare

Of course, Adware programs that embed advertising banners into Internet programs are becoming more and more every day. Moreover, their developers make them smarter and more invisible, which adds problems when removing these advertisements. However, there is good news. Many good developers are working on creating special programs that will remove all this kind of malware from the system and disable all unwanted advertising. We provide a list of the most popular and effective.

Blocking banners using AdwCleaner

MalwareBytes AntiMalware

Another powerful program that can easily cope with AdWare, browser banners, pop-ups and other evil spirits. All you have to do is install it, check your computer, and if you find anything suspicious, clean it using MalwareBytes AntiMalware. That's it, your browser will be cleared of advertising.


You are given a trial period for 14 days, after which you will have to purchase a paid version of the program! But 2 weeks is enough to get rid of Adware banners.


If all of the above does not help, try using the HitmanPro program. It is paid, but there is also a free version. You can use it to check your system for malware. And if it is found, just delete it.

We won't write instructions because it's easy to use. And everything is done according to a similar principle, as in the programs discussed above.

Checking if there are any third-party programs on the computer

Of course, this happens rarely, but it does happen. You install some program, and along with it you install additional software. And this software can cause banners to be displayed. Check to see if there are any programs on your computer that you did not install. Often their names contain words like: Adware, Webalta, RSTUpdater.exe, toolbar, and the like. But in fact there are a huge number of them, so look carefully. And if there are applications that you absolutely did not install, delete them. This is done like this:

Be careful not to remove vital Windows components. Because without them the system will stop working.

Task Scheduler

More recently, adware viruses have increasingly begun to use the Windows task scheduler to launch themselves. Moreover, they can do this even without launching the browser. And even malware detection programs will not find such evil spirits.

To remove a virus from the scheduler, do the following:

Extensions with advertising

That's right, even browser extensions and add-ons can be malicious and include bad ads and pop-ups without your knowledge. And in order to get rid of this kind of placement product, you need to disable it, or it’s best to completely remove such extensions altogether.

This is done in approximately the same way in different browsers, the only difference is that the section is called differently. For example, in Yandex browser and Opera it is called “Add-ons”, in Google Chrome it is called “Extensions”. May also be called "Addons". But this does not change the essence. To remove ads, you need to remove such extensions.

As I said above, this is done a little differently in each browser, but in general, it’s similar.

  • Click on the menu icon in your browser, look for items like “ Extensions”, « Addons«, “ Add-ons”.
  • Select strange extensions and remove them.

Changes to the Hosts file

When certain viruses enter the system, they can change the contents of the system Hosts file, writing there the addresses of sites with advertising. Because of this, the user constantly opens third-party sites with a lot of advertising, or even worse, all sorts of “Worms” and “Trojans”. And sometimes viruses can even deny access to the Internet in this very file, allowing access only to their websites.

But in fact, the problem is solved in a simple way. All you need to do is remove all unnecessary content from the Hosts file. How to do it:

Try launching your browser and check if there are ads.

DNS Settings

Check if there are any unknown DNS servers in your settings. For this:

If all else fails

And finally the last piece of advice. If nothing helps you get rid of Adware programs, then the only thing left is to completely remove the browser and completely clean the registry.

Try deleting all your browsers and cleaning the registry using CCleaner. And then install them again and check whether the advertising is gone or not.

Hello! Nowadays, the problem of viruses is not very acute - most users already generally understand what can be opened and what is highly discouraged... and modern Windows 10 is already less vulnerable to malware. And what do most users use a computer for? — surf the Internet and watch a movie. But with browsers, not everything is so simple, so the issue of blocking ads in the browser is more relevant than ever before.

If you are interested in the issue of ad blocking... or you have started to notice ads where there were never any (and even worse if advertising is already popping up in the browser), then I can tell you with confidence that you are not alone, and I will try to explain to you how to get rid of this illness.

How to block ads in your browser - simple steps to a clean Internet

  • Advertising, which was deliberately installed by the site owner, is the most common and easiest method of advertising to block.
  • Crashing, infuriating advertising on all sites... pop-up windows, spontaneous opening of the browser, various casinos and other nonsense - it is much more difficult to treat, but it’s possible (the problem is that your computer is showing you ads)

Initially, I want to show the basic setting of ad blocking in the browser (if this does not help, then you most likely have advertising modules or AdWare as they are called).

Recognizing AdWare is quite simple - it is a pop-up flashy advertisement in the browser on all pages (for example, on Yandex a Vulcan casino may be advertised or a browser with advertising may open spontaneously).

It’s clear that this is not normal... so I want to tell you about a method for blocking Yandex Browser (now I use it myself and can recommend it to you). In the instructions we will consider universal options that are suitable even for Internet Explorer or EDGE. Let's look at both paid and free extensions - don't switch, it will be interesting!

How to remove advertising in the Yandex browser

Do you know why I like the Yandex browser? — it contains a lot of useful things for a Russian-speaking user. In addition, there is a built-in ability to filter ads using the third-party service AdGuard (I previously used AdBlock Plus, but after switching from Firefox to Ya.Browser there is no point in installing a third-party extension). This extension can be turned on simply - open the menu and go to “Add-ons”... and turn on the “Adguard” extension.

By default, advertising from Yandex and Google will not be blocked (and even normal advertising there, sometimes even useful) - whether to disable it or not is up to you. On my own behalf, I would like to add that sometimes this is the only way for the author of a resource to earn money... after all, you need to pay for hosting, spend time writing posts like this one. Well, monetization is a great motivation to develop and fill your resource.

Well, that was a small lyrical digression - you can go to the extension settings and disable the “Allow search advertising and sites’ own promotions” option. This way you will completely disable all advertising on websites known to the extension.

ADGUARD is an excellent ad blocker for any browser

Since we are talking about ad blocking, it would be a crime not to talk about the wonderful AdGuard application. What if I told you that you can block ads not only in the browser, but also in various applications where they are often found? Skype, Viber, uTorrent - all these programs are popular and constantly annoying with ads, but AdGuard will automatically remove them all. You can download it from the official website...

AdGuard deserves a separate note, which I plan to write in the future, but for now a short overview of the capabilities

Installation is the same as everywhere else, nothing new was invented... however, I would advise not to install recommended products (well, if we want, we’ll install it ourselves, I don’t like this intrusiveness)

What can I tell you about the best application for blocking ads on your computer? Many people are looking for ways to disable advertising on Skype or torrent, delve into the code, edit something there - this is all real and tested in practice... but you can just install AdGuard and it will automatically block ads in all popular applications - isn’t it beautiful?!

The Parental Control feature seemed useful. I don’t know what filters this works on - but the joke is not in blocking porn sites and other bad resources... but in the inability to even find them in the search.

But of course, it is not without its drawbacks - the application is paid, but its price does not exceed the cost of pizza... support the developers, do not bother with torrents! And don’t forget - the AdGuard application is used to block ads; it will not help against viruses. You can use a good antivirus for free against all evil spirits.

How to remove ads in Google Chrome browser and other browsers

Now let's move on to the easiest way to get rid of ads in the browser - I used this extension until I switched to Yandex Browser with the AdGuard extension. Suitable for any browser (or almost, all known to me are supported) - just go to the official website of the extension...

I’ll tell you using Google Chrome as an example (but everything is similar for any other - be it Firefox or Opera) - find the largest button “Install for YOUR_BROWSER”. Agree with the installation of the extension and restart your web browser - the lion's share of advertising on sites will disappear.

How to remove ads in the browser? — We choose the best

If you are constantly seeing ads pop up in your browser, and all the methods described above have not corrected the situation, then you most likely have a malicious program on your computer, a browser extension, or the system settings have been changed. The whole problem with this infection is that antiviruses don’t see them, in fact it doesn’t harm the computer... but it infuriates the user. Let's start with disassembling pop-up advertising in the browser.

How to remove pop-up ads automatically

With the spread of this infection, it is not surprising that entire companies gradually began to appear producing applications to combat this advertising ransomware. Thanks to them, most advertising inserts are treated automatically and require virtually no user intervention - I highly recommend you use them.

AdwCleaner - an easy way to remove ads from your computer

In order not to bother you too much and not to bother you with places in the Windows system that are unclear to the average user, I suggest initially trying to remove pop-up ads in the browser automatically. There are many software products for removing AdWare, but my experience tells me to stick with AdwCleaner - in my opinion, the best solution to remove all known extensions from any browser.

Download only from !OFFICIAL site and nowhere else! After launching the application, click “Scan” and wait for the end of the search for harmful programs... check that the results do not contain anything unnecessary and click clean - check after rebooting.

Please note that AdvCleaner also considers all programs from Mail.RU to be malicious. If you use any Mail Agent, do not forget to remove it from the purge list.

HitmanPro is a good way to remove pop-up ads in your browser

A small utility from Malwarebytes, Hitman Pro will find most malware on your computer and can remove them. The application is paid, but with a test period - it will be more useful than ever for us for a one-time cleaning. As usual, download from the official website of the program.

To avoid installing the program on your computer, use the “I’m going to scan the system only once” option. In this case, we will immediately start scanning the operating system for unwanted programs.

As you can see, malware was found in our system (in our example it is a system activator, but it will do for the example) - just click “Next” to clear the found threats.

Remember I wrote that the application is paid? - so, to clean the system, you can activate a free license... click the appropriate button and enter your email to issue you a temporary license.

After cleaning, you should restart your computer and check whether our problem with pop-up advertising inserts has been resolved or not.

Removed pop-up ads in the browser - the Internet does not work

An unpleasant situation happens - you removed pop-ups and ads in your browser and now the Internet does not work. The browser reports that it is unable to connect to the proxy server. The problem is quite common, but has an elementary solution.

Most likely, the left DNS server was used, and since we removed the malicious application - using DNS data turned out to be impossible and useless - you just need to reset the settings to standard

To solve the problem with the error “Cannot connect to the proxy server,” we need to go to the “Control Panel,” open the “Network and Internet” section and in the “Browser Options” category, select “Manage browser settings.”

Make sure that the “Use a proxy server for local connections” checkbox is unchecked and that the “Automatic detection of parameters” option is active.

If the steps taken did not give the desired result, write in the comments, we’ll try to figure out the problem together.

How to remove pop-up ads in your browser manually

If all the methods described above to get rid of viral advertising in the browser did not help, then extreme measures remain - let’s try to fix the situation manually.

Task Scheduler - if ads pop up in the browser

The trend of 2017 is not a new frameless iPhone, but a problem of users who periodically have ads popping up in their browser... and not a single program sees them. I first encountered this species at the end of 2016 (and to be honest, for a very long time I could not understand what the problem was). The situation is as follows: an advertising site periodically opened, even if the browser was closed.

As it turned out, the malware used a task scheduler and simply periodically launched a task - launch the browser at the required time interval and open the site it needed in it (! brilliant).

To improve the health of our system, let’s open the task scheduler and delete it from there...

Open the Start menu and type “Task Scheduler” - find it in the search list and open it. Alternatively, press WIN + R on your keyboard and type taskschd.msc

In one of the tasks, you will probably see the path to the browser with a postscript in the form of a site that constantly opens for you - you should delete it (right-click on the task - delete). There are situations when different sites open all the time - in this case, one site opens, and then redirects to one of many (you just don’t have time to notice it) - just delete dubious tasks with additions to the path to the browser file.

What to do if advertising appears in the browser? — Disable extensions

You can clear your browser of ads and pop-ups simply by disabling the bad extension. Not long ago I installed a browser add-on that allowed me to watch torrents online... everything was great until I noticed that advertising appeared where there had never been one. Unfortunately, I did not notice this right away and therefore the solitaire did not work out right away - it helped that the extension was not installed in another browser and there were no left-handed advertisements there.

I just disabled the browser add-on and the ads disappeared. Try going to the list of extensions:

  • For Yandex Browser this is Settings > Add-ons (in the same place where you enabled AdGuard)
  • For Google Chrome - Settings > More tools > Extensions

Disable all extensions one by one until the ads stop appearing. This way you will identify a malicious extension - you need to remove it and forget about it forever.

Unfortunately, this point is often ignored, but it is one of the most common. You can’t trust anyone... there are often cases in which the extension that everyone is familiar with starts telling us all sorts of nasty things. We trust him, why do we need to turn him off and check him?! We will look in the place where it is not there... but until the last minute we will not try to simply turn it off for a minute and check.

The Hosts file is the reason for advertising in the browser

Many Adware use the Windows system hosts file to display advertisements. Currently, it is practically not used by advertising malware - usually left-handed Google addresses are registered there or social networks are replaced.

You can correct the hosts file using notepad (which, by the way, must be opened as an administrator, otherwise you will not be able to save changes in it). It is necessary to delete all lines that are under the lines starting with a hash.

Why do ads pop up in the browser? — Editing shortcuts

If, after completing all the steps described above, advertising starts only when you launch the browser itself, then it’s time to pay attention to program shortcuts. In the shortcut properties, delete everything that is outside the quotes (usually the address of the annoying site)... and create new shortcuts for the browser.

This method is incredibly simple, but many people overlook it. In my practice, this option of pop-up advertising occurs very often, so do not underestimate it.

Conclusions about pop-up advertising in the browser and blocking it

Constantly popping up ads in your browser can be very annoying, so be careful when installing different applications and try to use official download sites to minimize the possibility of picking up something unusual, but extremely unpleasant.

I hope this small instruction was useful to you (and it is really small - I described only a small part of the problem areas, but they are the most common) and you were able to defeat advertising in the browser. If something doesn’t work out, write in the comments, we’ll figure it out together!

Hello dear readers of the blog site. Today I want to talk about how to remove pop-up ads in your browser. If when you go online you see annoying advertising, and it appears on all sites, then after reading this article you can easily get rid of it.

Pop-up advertising blocks can settle in the browser of any developer, be it Google Chrom, Yandex, Opera or Mazila.

The presence of third-party advertising in the browser can be determined very simply. If, when entering any site, advertising blocks with content that is not typical for this site appear at the bottom of the page or on the sides, as well as on those sites where you previously saw advertising banners, they are replaced by banners with dubious offers or inappropriate content.

If you observe the symptoms described above on your device, then we can say that you are encountering malware (AdWare) or a browser extension. It's time to start fixing the problem.

However, some advertisements can be mistaken for viruses. But in fact, it was posted by the owner of the site for its further monetization. In order not to overwork yourself, I simply advise you to first read the article about how to do this, and then move on to more drastic measures.

How to remove pop-up ads in your browser using special software

First, in order not to complicate your life and not waste a lot of time, I suggest using special software to remove AdWare.

Spontaneously appearing windows and other third-party blocks in your browser cannot be called a virus and, accordingly, antiviruses do not pay attention to them. Such blocks are caused by programs accidentally installed when downloading any information from the Internet. Fortunately for us, there are a large number of special tools that allow you to remove third-party software.

Remove pop-up ads using Hitman Pro

First, I advise you to use the Hitman Pro utility. From personal experience I can say that it finds most malware. You can download Hitman Pro from the official website http://surfright.nl/en/. The full version is paid. But there is also a free period of 30 days, which is quite enough for us. After downloading, we start the installation process (it is installed like any other program). When the installation process is completed, we proceed to the actual scanning process. At the end of the process, the program window will display not only viruses displaying advertisements, but also any unnecessary or infected garbage.

To further remove viruses, you need to perform a free activation. After the completed operations, reboot your device and check if the problem has disappeared.

Remove pop-up ads in browser using Malwarebytes Antimalware

If for some reason, after checking your system with the Hitman Pro utility, you are left unsatisfied or doubt creeps in that not all malware that causes pop-up advertisements in Google Chrom, Yandex or Opera browsers has disappeared from your computer, then I advise you to use another very useful and effective program Malwarebytes Antimalware.

This application also has a free version that allows you to use it once. After installing Malwarebytes Antimalware, you need to run a scan. At the end of the process, a list of viruses found that should be removed will be displayed on the screen. After all the operations, restart your computer and see if the problem is resolved.

Remove pop-up ads in your browser manually

If the methods described above did not help, then let's try to remove pop-up ads manually.

In most cases, the appearance of this type of advertising is facilitated by third-party running processes or browser extensions. These extensions are installed without your knowledge when you download and install unverified software from the Internet.

How to act

Many people around the world are faced with this type of problem and try to solve it on their own. Since third-party malware is usually responsible for displaying advertisements, most of these programs are already known thanks to people who have overcome this disease. Below is a small list of the most popular programs that contribute to the appearance of pop-up advertising:

  • Pirrit Suggestor
  • Search Protect
  • Websocial and Webalta
  • Mobogenie
  • CodecDefaultKernel.exe

If you find one of these processes on your computer, remove it immediately. Try to also remove all information associated with this process.

Perhaps, when searching for malware, you discovered additional processes that raised doubts about their usefulness and safety, then copy the name of this software and enter it into a search engine. If this name reveals a lot of information about the unsafety of this program, then simply delete this process without thinking.

Finding and removing programs that cause pop-up ads to appear

A good place to start looking for malicious code is by going to the Programs and Features system tools. You can find this section in the Windows Control Panel. If you find any of the programs listed above, you need to remove them. Most often, “viruses” that cause ad blocks are not displayed in the list of installed software, but if you find one, it is not a fact that it will be completely removed.

If you were unable to do anything in this section (find or delete), then you need to go to the task manager and see what is currently running. In Windows 7 you need to select the “processes” tab, in Windows 8 the “details” tab

Check to see if there is anything suspicious on this list or one of the programs listed above. If you find something, try to terminate such a process by right-clicking and selecting “end process” in the pop-up window. Perhaps after your actions, the program will start again. Then we need to track the file locations. We repeat the manipulations by right-clicking on the suspicious process and in the pop-up window select the “open file storage location” option. After selecting this item, you will be taken to the folder with the file. You can try to remove it immediately, but most likely this will not happen, although the probability is high.

Uninstall in Safe Mode

If the file could not be deleted, then . When restarting the operating system, press the F8 key several times. A list should appear in which you need to select “Boot the system in safe mode.” After the system boots, go to the “Folder Options” section and turn on the display of hidden files. Further along the path in which we previously detected malicious software and delete all content. After all operations, it is necessary to check. In the Start menu, in the “Accessories” folder, select “Run”, after which a command line will appear in which we enter msconfig, An additional window will appear where we will need to select the “Startup” tab and see what processes start with Windows. If nothing suspicious is found, then restart the computer and observe the result.

Note - in the Startup tab, you can also remove from startup those processes that you do not need. This will increase the speed of your computer.

After manually or automatically removing malware that causes pop-up blocks, an error may appear when accessing the Internet.

To fix this problem, go to “Browser Options”. You can do this by following the path StartControl Panel-Internet Options-Internet Options.

Fixing the hosts file

Another important point is adjusting the hosts file.

When infected with a virus program, third-party URLs are written to this file.

To remove all unnecessary data from a file, you need to open it in Notepad. The file is located in the Windows folder, then System32, then drivers and then etc . Find the file, right-click, select “Open with” and open with notepad. It is necessary to delete all information that is below the line starting with the # symbol. After you have deleted all unnecessary information, you must save the file and restart your computer.

Browser extensions that cause advertising

I would like to say a few more words about such a thing as browser extensions. Very often, in addition to malware, browser extensions can contribute to the appearance of unwanted banners. They usually run automatically when you install third-party software.

You can find a list of browser extensions at the following addresses:

  • Google Chrome - settings - tools - extensions;
  • Yandex browser - settings - additionally - tools - extensions;
  • Firefox - settings - add-ons - extensions;

If any of the extensions seems dubious to you, then it is better to remove it immediately rather than disable it. This will have little effect on the operation of your browser, but it may help in solving the problem.

I really hope that this article helped you and managed to remove pop-up ads in your browser. If the situation remains unresolved, then describe it in the comments and I will try to help if possible.

If you see ads pop up in your browser and you don’t know how to remove them, then most likely you’ve come to the right place - my blog. However, I want to warn you right away that this article outlines not only the solution, but also the principles that you need to understand and which may be useful to you to eliminate identical problems in the future.

It is worth understanding that advertising in the browser can appear for various reasons and that there is no single solution for all cases at once. Advertising can appear due to a virus on the computer, advertising can appear due to extensions installed in the browser, due to hidden .bat files, due to changing the path of browser shortcuts, and so on. This list can be continued for a long time, but I want to immediately warn you that if the manipulations described in this article do not suit you and pop-up advertisements continue to appear in your browser, you can read another one of my popular articles on this topic: “”.

What to do if the browser itself opens pages with advertising?

Most often, the browser opens with advertisements for online games, advertisements for tanks (worldoftanks.ru), sometimes advertisements for erotic content (18+) appear in the browser, advertisements about making money on the Internet, or it could even be a simple video from YouTube, which you most likely will not watch were going.

You may have even already seen some of these examples:

Online game "Travian Legends"

3D online game “Love city”

And of course, while surfing the Internet, most often you may see an advertisement for Vulcan slot machines or a message that you have won a lot of money.

How to remove advertising?

Each time a new window with advertising opens in the browser - the final site can be almost anything, but the first site is most often one and it is this one that subsequently redirects you to other links.

1. You can watch the very moment when a new tab is launched in the browser and remember the first address that appears in the address bar. Specifically in this case it was the site:


Subsequently, this site randomly redirects the user to so-called “layout sites”, which in turn redirect him again and again, until some garbage opens in your browser.

After analyzing the situation, I was able to compile a small list of sites that are responsible for redirection and the appearance of advertising.


Knowing the address of the very first page, you can start looking for a virus on your computer.

How to find a virus on your computer?

2. If the redirect happens too quickly for you to see the address, then I recommend going a different route. Install the program on your computer " CCleaner" “C Cleaner” is a free program for cleaning your “C” drive from unnecessary information, a very useful thing!

At the top you will see the inscription: “ These programs are launched at startupWindows" Carefully study all the lines in the tabs " Windows" And " Scheduled tasks" Try to find anything suspicious.

Alas, in this case there are no clear search criteria, since different browsers may be installed on the computer, their versions may differ, and even more so, the parameters and addresses of sites that are responsible for running advertising may differ.

Specifically in my case, when I went to the “Scheduled tasks” tab, in one of the lines I saw the address of a site that was still unknown to me at that time, which was launched using the Opera.exe browser.

Scheduled task: brandnewcoms Opera Software "C:\Program Files (x86)\Opera\42.0.2393.94\opera.exe" http://brandnewcoms.ru/sparktownsm

In general, this process could be immediately deleted or turned off directly from the CCleaner program, but to make sure of everything, I decided to check what kind of task this was.

In the Windows operating system there is a so-called “”, which can be easily found by using the search or pressing a keyboard shortcut "Win" + "R" and enter the command in the window that appears taskschd.msc.

When the planner window appears, select the line “” in the upper left part and look for the object you are interested in in the list.

When I saw the previously found site "brandnewcoms" in this list and when I saw that this task is responsible for the appearance of constant advertising in the browser every 23 minutes, everything immediately fell into place.

Select the scheduled task, right-click, select " Delete" and confirm our actions.

After removing this task from the scheduler, automatic advertising will no longer appear in the browser.

I would also like to note the fact that pop-up advertising is easily implemented in all currently popular browsers. As they say, no one is immune.

  • Google Chrome
  • Opera
  • Mozilla Firefox
  • Yandex browser
  • Safari
  • Internet Explorer
  • Microsoft Edge
  • [email protected]
  • Amigo

Perhaps now you know how to disable advertising in your browser and what to do if the browser itself opens with advertising. For the best understanding of this material, just in case, I recorded a video instruction with all the necessary steps to fix this problem.
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