How to find out the bit depth of a program in Windows 10.

We are all accustomed to seeing information about x64 and x32 operating systems, and also taking these numbers into account in the requirements when installing software or games. What do they really mean? It's very simple - the whole point lies in the maximum amount of RAM that your operating system will use. If it is x32, then this size will be limited to 4 GB (although in fact it is even lower, 3 GB). Even if you have more RAM installed inside your machine, it will not be used. Everything changes dramatically if your OS is x64. It effectively overcomes the 4GB threshold and uses the entire available RAM resource, which is especially important for games and time-consuming graphics applications. At the same time, it is universal, as it is compatible with all games and programs for x32 operating systems. I will show you below how to find out which system you have.

detailed instructions

  • First of all, we need to open our Start menu. To do this, click on it with the left mouse button once.
  • Then, on the left side of the window, find the Settings icon and click on it.

  • A window with the parameters of your operating system will open in front of us, find the System block on the left, as shown in the screenshot. And we open it too.

  • The screen will be updated, in the list on the left at the very bottom there is a line About the system, this is what we need. Click on it.

  • After this, the screen will refresh again, and all system information about your OS will be shown on the right side. If you have Windows x64, it will look like this:

  • If you have the x32 version installed, then it will look different:

Additional Information

Understanding how to find out the system bit rate will allow you to understand which version of the game or program can be installed on your computer. At the moment, there are two types of bit depth: 32 and 64. To clearly and simply explain the essence, I will once again write the main differences between these two bit depth systems. For a 32 system, there is a strict limit on the amount of RAM used; no matter how many sticks are in your personal computer, only 3 GB will be used. On the one hand, this can be regarded as a minus, on the other hand, if you have a simple office version of a workstation with no more than 3 GB installed, then it is more profitable to install an operating system with 32 bit. Because it will not overload the computer's resources, this is one, and secondly, it will use everything that is available. In the case of 64-bit systems, there are no restrictions or ceilings: it doesn’t matter if you have 1 GB of RAM or 16 GB, it will work due to its versatility. However, it is worth remembering that this type of system is very demanding in terms of the amount of resources consumed and it is recommended to install it on more powerful machines than the usual office configuration.

The same applies to applications that are installed on these types of systems. If we are talking about 32, then the software must be of a strictly appropriate type. In the case of an operating system of type 64, all restrictions go away: it maintains its versatility here too. It doesn't matter what application you have installed, it will work. However, based on performance indicators, it is certainly recommended to install software for type 64 systems.

If you encounter any difficulties, tell us in the comments and we’ll discuss it.

Unlike insiders and system administrators, most ordinary users are of little interest in which particular build of Windows 10 is installed on their computer. The major version and bit depth are a different matter; this information seems much more important and significant. But let's imagine this situation for a moment. When dealing with someone else's computer, you need to find out the version, build number and bitness of the system installed on it, including the insider one. How to do it? It turns out to be very simple.

Options utility

First, let's give the simplest and most obvious way to see the build version of Windows 10. Open the Settings application, go to the System section and switch to the About tab (About System). On the right in the “Device Characteristics” block you will see various information, including bitness and architecture, in the “Windows Characteristics” block - the version and build number, as well as the system edition.

Quick Launch Window

The next way to find out the build number of Windows 10 is to use the “Run” line. By pressing keys Win+R open the quick launch window and run the command in it winver. The “Windows: Details” window will open, in which the major version, build number and system edition will be indicated.

Instead of winver you can also use the command msinfo32, providing a significantly larger amount of data. On the “System Information” page, in addition to the version, build number and revision, you will find information about the computer architecture, motherboard model, BIOS mode, size of physical and RAM, and so on.

If you only need to know the bitness of the system, whether Windows 10 is 32 or 64 bit, just open the properties of the “This PC” icon (the “System” applet) on the desktop and find the “System type” parameter in the information window that opens.

Command line

Now let's see how to find out the version of Windows 10 using the command line. Launch the console and run the command in it systeminfo. As a result, you will get the same set of information as when you run the msinfo32 command, only in a simplified form.

Instead of the traditional CMD command line, you can use the PowerShell console, you will get the same information.


Those who like to delve into the registry can look at the version of Windows 10 there. To do this you need to expand the branch HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SOFTWARE/Microsoft/Windows NT/CurrentVersion and find the ProductName, ReleaseId and CurrentBuild parameters. The value of the first is the name of the system and its edition, the value of the second is the version number, the value of the third is the build number.

However, why go into the registry if you can find out which build of Windows 10 is on your computer in much more prosaic ways.

Other means

You can open the Windows update history and look at the OS version and build number in it. By the way, this is how you can find out the bitness of the Windows 10 system; it is also indicated in the log along with the basic information.

There is also a team wmic os, displaying information about the installed operating system. It can accept many parameters, allowing you to display only certain data. So, to find out the version of the system, you need to add the line get version to the command, to find out the name and edition - get name.

Windows comes out of the box with DirectX built-in, a set of features specifically designed to improve the efficiency of working with multimedia content. Here's how to check the bitness of your Windows 10 system using it, or more precisely, using the DirectX diagnostic tool. Open the Run window (Win + R) and execute the command in it dxdiag. The information you are interested in will be displayed in the “System” tab (see the “Operating system” item).

Here, in fact, are all the main methods that allow you to quickly and without unnecessary hassle determine the version, build and bitness of Windows 10. Many programs, for example, AIDA64, can also obtain system data, but install a third-party application on your computer just to find out the version systems, you see, are not the most rational solution. However, if one of these programs is already on your PC, then why not use it.

The new Windows 10 is the first truly unified OS that adapts to the screen size, works on different devices and is equally convenient for controlling classic tools like a mouse and keyboard, as well as touch screens. This article will talk about determining the bit depth of Windows 10 (32 or 64 bits). This operation can be performed in two ways, which we will now consider.

Modern interface

To find out what system is installed on your computer or tablet, you can use the following instructions. Required:

Advice! If you are using the full-screen version of the start menu, then to see a link to the “Options” section, you should click on the “hamburger” icon in the upper left corner of the screen.

Classic way

The second method will be familiar to users who have worked with previous versions of Windows. In order to find out the bitness of Windows 10 (32 or 64 bits) in this way, you will need:

Advice! The same menu can be found in the Control Panel in the System section, provided that displaying not by category, but all sections of the device settings is enabled.

The video will tell you where to go to see the bit depth.


Each user chooses the method that is convenient for him in a given situation. As you can see, Windows 10, although it contains a lot of new things, is still friendly to those users who are accustomed to older versions of the OS.

How to find out how many bits are 32 or 64

The operating system bit depth is an extremely important parameter. Not only performance, but also application compatibility depends on it. Therefore, knowing which system you have - 32-bit or 64-bit Windows XP, 7, 8, 10 - is often vital.

Nowadays it is difficult to find a computer for sale that does not support 64-bit systems. Modern chipsets and processors support 64-bit computing. Even in mobile technology, 64-bit processors are common, which are currently produced by Apple and Samsung.

If you can install 32-bit applications under a 64-bit version of the OS, then, unfortunately, it won’t work the other way around. On the other hand, if you install a 64-bit program instead of a 32-bit one whenever possible, you will gain serious performance benefits.

There are situations when everything is clear from the very beginning. If you purchased your computer less than 3 years ago, then it is probably 64-bit. The same is true if it initially has more than 4 GB of RAM installed: 32-bit systems cannot use more than 4 GB, which means there is no point in installing more.

How to find out how many bits the system is

There is a universal way to find out how many bits the system is on your computer.

If you have internet

  1. %adsense%If your computer is connected to the Internet, you can visit In the process of communicating with the site, the Microsoft server will automatically detect the bitness of your system and display it on the page.
  2. On the same page you will find instructions that allow you to manually determine the bitness of your system. For the first time, the Windows XP operating system received a 64-bit version; earlier Windows were not released in 64-bit versions. The page also details how to find out how many bits – 32 or 64 – there are in your version of Server 2003, Vista, Windows 7 or 8.

Without Internet

For mobile devices, this choice is, of course, irrelevant. There, the operating system of the required type is installed immediately.

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How to find out the bitness of Windows 10 - 32 or 64 bit

Many modern computer and laptop users work quietly without even knowing what type of Windows operating system they use - 32 bit or 64 bit. What is the fundamental difference between them? For the average user, the only difference is that Windows 10 x64 can work with a large amount of RAM, while the x32 version only supports a maximum of 4 GB (and even then, only 3.5 GB is available to the user).

How can you find out the bit depth of the version of Windows that you have installed? Yes, very simple! There are two simple ways to do this.

First way.

Open the control panel and click on the “System” icon. The following operating system information window will appear:

You can get here even faster by simply pressing the Win+Pause key combination. You will see the Windows 10 bit size in the “System type” line. In my example, it is 64-bit with an X64 processor.

Second way.

Press the start button and simply type the phrase “System Information”. There will be an icon in the search results that you will need to double-click on. The following window will open:

You can find out which 32-bit or 64-bit version of Windows you have installed in the “Type” line.


By the way, if your PC is running on a 32-bit version, and you want a 64-bit version, you can update as follows. We start by creating a backup copy of the data by copying it to a USB flash drive or external drive. Download the Media Creation Tool application from the official Microsoft website. It will help us update Windows 10 to the 64-bit version.

With its help, you need to create an installation disk, a flash drive with a 64-bit version of Windows 10. We boot from it and go through all the stages of reinstalling the OS.

Of course, the path is not easy. It may be labor-intensive, but it is the only true and correct one.

32 or 64 bit system. What's better?

Many computer and laptop users often have questions about the difference between 32 and 64 bit versions of the Windows operating system. Which one should I install and how can I watch this version?

In order not to go into technical terminology and not burden you with complex definitions, let’s say right away - in theory, the 64-bit version of Windows is better and faster, be it Windows XP, Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows 10.

But to at least somehow feel this, even if it’s not big. But still, the existing performance gain of a 64-bit system is necessary for the processor to support 64-bit architecture, and also for the program running on 64-bit to be written for it.

Fortunately, the days when processors did not support this architecture are gone. Now even a 5-7 year old processor has support for the 64th instruction set.

Applications and games in many cases have 2 versions - x86 and x64. x86 is 32 bits, and x64 is 64 bits.

So in practice, even if all these conditions are met (processor, windows x64 and a program optimized for x64), you most likely will not notice the difference with the 32-bit version.

The only significant advantage of the 64-bit version of Windows is support for more than 3.2 GB of RAM.

Thus, if your computer or laptop has more than 3 GB of RAM installed, then you need to install the 64-bit version of Windows.

Otherwise, only 3.2 GB of RAM will be used during operation, and the remaining gigabytes will simply be idle.

32 bit windows does not see all RAM

How to find out how many bits are 32 or 64?

To do this, just go to the system properties by right-clicking on the “Computer” icon on the desktop or in the “Start” menu and select “Properties”.

Call up computer properties to view the windows bit depth

In the window that opens, you can see which windows is installed. In our case, this is Windows 10 Home. It also shows the amount of installed memory (RAM) (in our case, 6 and 5.89 available. The missing 100 megabytes are taken by the built-in video card) and the type of system - 64-bit operating system.

Determining how much memory is on the computer and which Windows is installed (32 or 64 bits)

Also, some believe that it is on their computer or laptop. often old, the 32-bit version will work faster. This is an erroneous conclusion. In any case, to avoid future problems with detecting RAM and program compatibility, it is better to install 64-bit windiws right away.

How to determine the bit depth in Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 7 / How to determine the system type

Good afternoon, dear readers, today we will look at what the bit depth of the operating system is and how to find it out. In order to find out the bitness of the Windows operating system, there are several ways, which we will consider below; there is also a video for people who do not like to read.

What is windows bit depth?

Bit capacity refers to the ability to simultaneously process a certain number of bits by the system. There are two types: 32 bits (usually designated x86) and 64 bits.

Their main differences are

  • Different levels of maximum supported RAM
  • Various commands to the processor

The first way to determine the Windows bit depth

This is to use the System Properties snap-in, you can view it by right-clicking on the My Computer icon and selecting Properties or pressing the Win+Pause Break key combination.

How to determine bit depth in Windows 10

The second way to determine the Windows bit depth

The next way that will help us find out the system type is to open Start and enter system information

How to determine bit depth

or on the right select the floating menu Settings (relevant for versions 8.1) and select system information

How to determine the bit depth in Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 7-03

You can also enter msinfo32 in start, this is essentially the same thing but in system language.

How to determine the bit depth in Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 7-04

As a result, a window will open. In it we see very detailed information about everything that is on your computer. We will also be interested in the Type field; in my example, in this field, I have an x64-based computer.

How to determine the bit depth in Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 7-05

In Windows 10, you can click Start > Settings. There you select System (Display, notifications, applications)

Go to the About the system item, and you see the same field System type 64-bit system, x64 processor.

and of course, no one canceled the search in the system, click the magnifying glass icon in Windows 10 and enter Information in the field that opens, this will be enough for the search to find the required equipment.

Windows bit depth through the registry

Well, for the best part, how to determine the Windows bit version through the registry, press WIN+R and enter regedit. We get to the registry editor and follow the path

\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion

Good afternoon, dear readers, today we will look at what the bit depth of the operating system is and how to find it out. In order to find out the bitness of the Windows operating system, there are several ways, which we will consider below; there is also a video for people who do not like to read.

What is windows bit depth?

Bit capacity refers to the ability to simultaneously process a certain number of bits by the system. There are two types: 32 bits (usually designated x86) and 64 bits.

Their main differences are

  • Different levels of maximum supported RAM
  • Various commands to the processor

The first way to determine the Windows bit depth

This is to use the System Properties snap-in, you can view it by right-clicking on the My Computer icon and selecting Properties or pressing the Win+Pause Break key combination.

How to determine bit depth in Windows 10

The second way to determine the Windows bit depth

The next way that will help us find out the system type is to open Start and enter system information

How to determine bit depth

or on the right select the floating menu Settings (relevant for versions 8.1) and select system information

You can also enter msinfo32 at startup, it’s essentially the same thing, but in system language.

As a result, a window will open. In it we see very detailed information about everything that is on your computer. We will also be interested in the Type field; in my example, in this field, I have an x64-based computer.

In Windows 10, you can click Start > Settings. There you select System (Display, notifications, applications)

Go to the About the system item, and you see the same field System type 64-bit system, x64 processor.

and of course, no one canceled the search in the system, click the magnifying glass icon in Windows 10 and enter Information in the field that opens, this will be enough for the search to find the required equipment.

Windows bit depth through the registry

Well, for the best part, how to determine the Windows bit version through the registry, press WIN+R and enter regedit. We get to the registry editor and follow the path

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion

Also in the 32-bit version there is no section HKLM\Software\Wow6432Node

Again, there are a large number of utilities and programs that allow you to determine the bit depth of Windows 10, examples include

  • CCleaner
  • Aida64
  • CPU-z

How to change windows bit depth

If you ask yourself how to change the bit depth of Windows, then the answer is no other than reinstalling the system. Save all your data, take bootable media, be it a disk or a flash drive, format the old hard drive and perform a clean installation of the new edition; there are no other methods.

Bottom line

Of course, there are many ways to view the same thing, but I am sure that the average user will stop at the first one, where he needs to look at the properties of the system, the rest require too many body movements, I told you about them for general development, to show that one problem can be solved by several methods . Maybe there are some other ways, I’ll be glad if you write about them in the comments.

Any user of a personal computer has distribution kits (ISO images) of Windows 10 downloaded on the Internet on their hard drive, and often a person cannot say exactly which image has a particular OS build number, version and architecture (32 or 64-bit). To figure this out, many users install Win 10 on a virtual machine, then open the system settings and look at the necessary data. If this sounds like you, then there is a simpler method and that’s what our article is about today.

To make it clear what I'm talking about, I'll give a simple example. On my computer, on the drive (D:) there is a folder with dozens of distribution kits and I need the latest one, namely Windows 10 version 1803 (build 17134), based on it I want to make a bootable USB flash drive and install the OS on the client’s PC.

Find out the version, release, build number, name,as well as the architecture of building an ISO image of the operating system, you can do this.

We select any distribution and double-click the left mouse button to connect it to the virtual disk drive, in my case (H:).

In the "sources" folder of the OS distribution there is a file, it contains all the information about the version, build number, architecture, etc.

You can view this data using the Command line interface. Open an administrator command prompt and enter the command:

Where H: - virtual disk letter.

index:1 - index number of the operating system - Win 10 Home.

Using this command we can find out the build number, name, release, architecture and other information about the OS build. By the build number you can find out the OS version number (build 17134 refers to the latest version Windows 10 - 1803).

Let me remind you that all ISO images Windows 10 includes several editions (Home, Single, Pro) and you can view the contents of the ISO with the command:

dism /Get-WimInfo /WimFile:H:\sources\install.esd

If in the first command:dism /Get-WimInfo /WimFile:H:\sources\install.esd /index:1 change the index number, the information will open about the edition of Windows you have selected.

  • Note: In earlier distributions of Windows 7, 8.1, instead of the install.esd file, there may be an install.wim file, in this case, in the above Command line commands, replace install.esd with install.wim.
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